High quality systems and services
Yes. We care!
Flumerics acknowledges the significant physical and financial strains on the healthcare system and patients in the present context. Our offerings aim to alleviate these strains by addressing key challenges, including:
- Healthcare staff shortages and their wide-reaching impacts, such as reduced time spent with patients.
- Difficulties in accessing routine care and emergency services.
- The widening of health disparities among marginalized communities.
- Challenges faced in preparing for COVID-19 type surges or future crises due to employee shortages.

IT Consulting Competence Center
Improve patient-care
Flumerics provides unwavering support to the healthcare profession through an array of channels, including:
- Offering high-quality healthcare systems and services tailored to patients of all ages.
- Enriching the holistic patient experience while fostering brand loyalty.
- Empowering healthcare professionals with a comprehensive overview of patients’ needs through the utilization of Microsoft 365.
- Striving to cultivate brand loyalty to reduce costs, generate consistent revenue, and eliminate barriers to care.
- Providing custom development for example CRM for an extensive range of services that supports for e.g., preventative care, regular check-ups, vaccinations, and comprehensive treatment options.

Reduce financial burdens
Flumerics believes in commitment to ensuring access to high-quality healthcare for individuals, irrespective of their financial circumstances. To achieve this, we extend comprehensive support to healthcare professionals who cater to a diverse range of illnesses, including:
- Specialized care in cardiology, gastroenterology, dermatology, and general care provided by proficient general practitioners.
- We offer efficient care management systems that empower healthcare professionals with options to alleviate financial burdens.
- We provide convenient and affordable telehealth services, enabling patients to receive care from the comfort of their homes.
In line with our dedication, we equip individuals with resources and support, fostering informed decisions for a healthier lifestyle and overall well-being.
Helping you achieve your health and wellness goals
some of our current projects involve:
- Support for Investment or Procurement Requests in a Clinic: We offer implemented IT system support for a portal where medical staff and clinics can quickly identify and order required products.
- Management of Procurement Requests: The system aids in the evaluation and communication with specialized departments involved in complex procurements. This is applicable, for example, to existing or new medical products like stethoscopes or MRI machines.
- Customer Feedback Forms: Our forms are utilized by care organizations to improve quality processes.
- Financial and Controlling Dashboards: These provide an overview of current key performance indicators, such as the most important financial KPIs, display quality indicators, and visualize resource planning and utilization.
- Health Management: Information, relationships, and interactions with partners and suppliers are managed on a unified platform. Based on Microsoft Power Platform and Dynamics 365, this solution, integrated into your Office environment, enables you to strategically manage your relationships.
- Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare: This solution complements your clinic or practice information systems and allows for intelligent services as well as proactive management, marketing automation, and personalized services, especially in the private clinic sector.
- HIS / PIS for Crisis Scenarios: We have set up the Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare within 3 days as a patient information system for emergency scenarios. This is suitable, for example, in crisis and conflict situations, so that despite the circumstances, patients and treatments can be cleanly and structuredly recorded by first responders and aid organizations.