This article discusses the increasing use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in businesses, and the various ways it can be utilized. AI can be used to automate mundane tasks, provide insights into customer behavior, and streamline processes. Popular tools for AI development include ChatGPT, which allows users to create intelligent chat bots, and image generation AI, which can create realistic visuals. Through the help of experienced professionals and the right tools, businesses can get the most out of their AI projects.
The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is quickly becoming a standard part of running a modern business. AI can be used to automate mundane tasks, provide insights into customer behavior, and streamline processes. This technology has opened up a world of possibilities for businesses of all sizes, and it’s no surprise that many companies are eager to get started with AI.
One of the most popular ways to use AI is through intelligent chat bots. ChatGPT is one of the most popular tools for AI development, and it allows users to create chat bots that can understand natural language, respond to customer inquiries, and even provide personalized recommendations. This technology can be used to create customer service chat bots, sales bots, and more.
Image generation is another way to leverage the power of AI. Image generation AI can be used to generate high-quality, realistic images from a variety of sources. This technology can be used for product design, digital marketing, and more. It’s a great way to create realistic visuals without the need for expensive photography or graphic design.

Some use cases for AI:
- AI can be used to automate mundane tasks and streamline processes, making businesses more efficient.
- AI tools such as chat bots can be used to provide customer service, process orders, and more.
- Image generation AI can be used to create high-quality visuals without the need for expensive photography or graphic design.
- AI can be used to generate insights into customer behavior, providing businesses with valuable data.
- AI can be used to create personalized recommendations, helping businesses provide better customer experiences.
- AI can be used to detect fraud and other security threats, helping businesses stay secure.
At Flumerics, we understand that AI can be overwhelming and intimidating. That’s why we offer consultation and implementation services to help our customers get the most out of their AI projects. If you’re looking to take your business to the next level, Artificial Intelligence is a great way to do it.
With the help of Flumerics, you can integrate intelligent chat bots into websites and Microsoft Teams, and use image generation to create high-quality, realistic images and graphics on the fly.
Contact us to learn more about how we can help you make the most of your AI projects.
Behind the scene
Did you notice anything? We generated the text above with ChatGPT, only providing some “instructions” and some background information about Flumerics. But it required a few iterations to streamline it a bit more and have it in an at least somewhat presentable form. After trying various AI tools, this brings us to a conclusion: In the last decade “Googling skills” were important, in future “GPT skills” will be indispensable.
A fast googler, using the right keywords, knowing how Google behaves returns you solutions for problems in no time and even software developers rely often on Google and platforms like to find answers for not so common or new problems. With AI, you can be even faster and solve completely new tasks.
In the last decade, “Googling skills” have been important.
In the future, “GPT skills” will be indispensable.
Here are the “instructions” to create the previous chapter:
“Write a blog article about artificial intelligence, chatgpt and image generation for our website Mention that we help companies to integrate intellient chat bots into websites and Microsoft Teams.
A bit information about Flumerics: Flumerics Solutions GmbH is an IT service provider and official Gold Partner of Microsoft. Flumerics was founded in early 2021 by 3 Microsoft Dynamics consultants and software engineers with more than 10 years of Dynamics experience. Today we can support you with a project team of up to 15 people. Our services include software engineering, Microsoft 365 / Dynamics 365 consulting and implementation, and IT consulting on project and IT management. Our own products include Dynamics 365 addons in the area of UTM marketing, data matching with company directories and intelligent chat bot website integration. Our industry experience ranges from insurance, banking, real estate, healthcare to retail and energy.”
The initial text was not ideal. Too commercial, not interesting. Therefore some refinement was needed, just to name some examples: “Provide a bit more interesting background information in this article.”,”Write the article less commercial and more insteresting. Do not mention Flumerics so often.” or “Write some interesting facts about AI.”
Midjourney, an AI-based image generation tool, was used to generate the cover photo for this blog post. While the AI generated multiple options, a human was ultimately the one to choose the final image based on the generation instructions. This showcases the importance of humans in the AI development process, as well as the need to have ethical considerations in mind when using AI. The instructions for Midjourney to generate the cover image for this blogpost:
“/imagine prompt:blog cover photo for an article about artificial intelligence, chatgpt and image generation”.

The calls to halt AI research, such as those made by Elon Musk, may be a bit too drastic. However, given the rapid pace of development in this area, it is essential to consider ethical implications when it comes to machine learning and artificial intelligence. Content writing, graphics design and coding software are just a few tasks, which we explored here, which will require more from humans than “getting the job done” in future. Ultimately, AI can be used to generate results, but it is still up to humans to provide “generation instructions” and make the final decision on the direction to take.
Join the discussion, try and explore AI with Flumerics!
Links and further reading
The pictures in this blog where generated with
Some interesting articles, youtube channels, news and blogs around AI:
Matt Wolfe – Interesting use cases and news from the AI world. – Find artificial intelligence tools for your business need.
ChatGPT is now available in Azure OpenAI Service | Azure Blog and Updates | Microsoft Azure
The New Bing – The new ChatGPT integrated into Microsofts Search Engine Bing.